How to choose fabric for your sofa?

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How to choose fabric for your sofa?

Upholstery fabric for a new sofa is a huge investment, but a well-made, quality sofa is one you won't regret. The guts of any upholstery is important because it determines the longevity and comfort of your furniture, but just as important is your sofa fabric choice.

Choose the wrong material and you'll find yourself battling obstacles and stains. Make a mistake in color or pattern and the whole room can be affected. So before you choose a new upholstery fabric, learn what you should consider in terms of durability, comfort and style.

Consider your lifestyle and who will be using the piece, this will help guide the type of material you choose. High-traffic areas, such as the home or living room, will require durable fabrics, and furniture that won't suffer too much wear, such as bedroom benches or headboards, can use any type of textile.